Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Favorites of today

Time again for monthly favorites online. This time only two as I haven't had much time to look around on the Internet lately because of work. Besides of Sailing Anarchy and Nalden, these are the favorites of this month (and for many more months as well):

We Transfer - Seriously the tightest file sharing option online. Forget Dropbox, YouSend it and whatever else they're called, this is the real shit. Even with a super slow Caribbean wifi connection I managed to pass over four high res images (2-5 MB each) to Europe in less than five minutes the other day. Fucking genius of a software. And even better: The recipients do not need to install any software nor do they need any password or login to download the files you've sent them. And what else, almost forgot: It's free, no joke! Make sure to claim your own channel right now before someone else does it. Ours is worldtourstories.wetransfer.com Your own channel has a cost of course but if you don't need it, you can still send whatever files you want for $ 0. 

Life at 33 degrees - Suzy is the chef aboard a beautiful classic racing yacht called Mariquita. In her blog she shares some of the food, bread and drinks that she prepare for her crew. Her British heritage enriches this blog with traditional British recipes mixed with the influences she come across on their sailing and races around the most beautiful places in the world. This is one of my favorite food blogs and I love the fact that the writer lives (part time) aboard a classic yacht. Go follow Suzy's food stories here.


And don't forget, send me a link if you think there is a site, blog, business or just something cool online that you think we or I would enjoy having a look at!