Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A better person

What is it that brings people to sail the waters of our world more than freedom, independence and peace of mind like I was taking about yesterday? Vistas like this of course. It must do something good for your brain and your heart to wake up to a view like this instead of rain and clutter which is the case in many parts of the world. I can even go that far to claim that a view like this is what have made me a better person, just because I need less of everything else so to say. I can jump off our boat any second and enjoy the luke warm water, maybe have a turtle swimming by and all along the way get warmed by the healing sunshine. In moments like that there isn't much else you would want to wish for yourself. You feel kind of content with what there is, right there right now. 

P.S: Don't forget to check in a bit later, will share with you our favorite sites of the month.

P.S 2: And do not miss to check out what the worlds greatest/largest/most famous sailing website, Sailing Anarchy, has to say about our little video today, find it here. Thank you for featuring us yet again.