Back on water where we belong. St Barts and the high life that is offered over there is occasionally nice and fun but nothing gives the sense of real meaning as does our self-chosen life at sea. Particularly now with our new boat which we'll slowly transform to a home and vessel of our dreams. It took us two long days to sail from St Barts to Antigua with a one night stop in St Kitts halfway. That passage is always a pain in the ass but this time it was harder than ever. 20-30 knots of headwind as well as a beat against currents, waves and continuous squalls. A good but tiring challenge with the new boat, happy to be back in safe harbor now though. Antigua will be Duende's and our home for the next 2-3 months and we have an extensive refit to look forward to, combined with as much work as we possibly will have time for, starting already tomorrow. I apologize beforehand to you non sailors/boaters out there for much boat renovation talk that I will share in this blog in the following few months. New travel and sailing adventures will begin again in March-April although I still have quite a few shots from St Barts to share with you all.