Me and Alex went out to celebrate the last night of this years sailing week with a couple of pizzas on our favorite Italian here in Antigua, Johnny Coconat. It's been some busy days and weeks here lately in the life of our World Tour, and just like I mentioned on our Twitter page - Sailing week have been almost as hectic and intense as a regular fashion week in any major fashion capital in the world. Meaning loads of parties, many shows (races), mingle, networking, drinks here and there and more socializing. It was amazing to take part of such a great event with so much inspiring people that we had the chance to meet, but nothing tempts more right now than getting back to our chill mode, our tranquil life far from masses of people and long nights fiestas. I will be updating with a couple of more posts about the race week later on, the amazing Gunboat race in particular. We won that race too by the way, I think I forgot to tell you. Anyways, check back tomorrow for all pics from that and more.. Goodnight until then. /T