Thursday, January 26, 2012

Go green

Another beautiful day spent on the beach, this time with Abi and Victoria. Abi, aka the narghile pimp, had graciously matched her sunglasses with the narghile* hose. Smoking shisha on a beach with good friends while sun is setting is one of my top five most pleasurable things to do 2012. And green is definitely the color of the season in the Caribbean. lol.

Stephanie, you were missed!

* Waterpipe, also called hookah, shisha, narghile etc depending on which country you're from. It originates from the eastern world, India, Persia and Arabic countries and smoking the waterpipe is a common social activity in most of those areas of the world. You usually fill the bowl of the waterpipe with tobacco mixed with whatever flavor you'd prefer, like apple, mint or another sweet, flavorful ingredient.