Friday, October 28, 2011

They have been missed

So finally these two sexy people, our very good and beloved friends, have booked their god damn tickets to come to see us in St Barts in December. Being an incurable last minute person myself I should have more understanding and patience but I was very close to believe they wouldn't be able to grab their tickets in time. But no need to worry I guess, they are now booked and ready for a ten day session with us in St Barts over Christmas and New Year and I won't even begin to tell you how excited and fucking thrilled I/we are to see them two again, two of the wildest party animals we know of. Oh lord, I am not even sure I will be alive after ten days in their company after *almost* being a teetotaler for a complete year. In fact, last time of party in this caliber that we are to look forward to was the night before we left on this tour, twelve months ago, and only the thought of having ten complete days and nights in the company of these wild human beings after such a long time makes me sick of excitement. Uj uj uj... Who knows where this will end. I will be back on the subject in a few weeks...

Can it be December already?