Thanks for your ideas regarding videos. I'm having some ideas forming already and as I need to keep myself busy here in Antigua besides of helping Alex to fix Duende, I think I will have much time for video recording in the next few months.
This is by the way the view we tiredly encountered when we left our anchorage outside of St Kitts the other morning, sometimes around 5:30 am. A lonely superyacht anchored by the shore of Nevis. Beautiful as the sun slowly rose behind the volcano and speckled our view with an explosion of different shades of yellow, orange, gold. A great memory for us as well, last time we visited Nevis we bicycled around the whole and complete island. I don't know if any of you have done that but five hours of biking up and down through hills and valleys is a pain in the butt for an amateur biker. Had pain in my ass and thighs a week after, all thanks to our friend Timothy at Montpelier Plantation who told us it was "a pleasant ride, maybe a couple of hours", it proved to be much harder and longer than that as of the long detour we took but in the end very much worth the pain. Biking is such a liberating and inspiring way to discover islands and Nevis climbed right up to one of our top three most beautiful islands in the Caribbean after that very ride. Nevis for us is equal to extremely friendly and welcoming people, breathtaking nature, serenity and it offers an inspiring and peaceful pace of living.