Monday, December 22, 2008

The National Association of Condo Hotel Owners

A recently formed organization, NACHO – the National Association of Condo Hotel Owners, has created a unified voice speaking out for the condo hotel owner. NACHO provides informative guides to condo hotel ownership, membership forums, detailed listings of condo hotel opportunities across the United States, calculators, rental program explanations and information about conferences and events relative to the industry. They may also be able to help persuade government regulators to treat the condominium hotel for what it is, a unique hybrid real estate project, rather than for what it is not.

Here’s a statement direct from NACHO : The National Association of Condo Hotel Owners is dedicated to sustaining, promoting and growing the condo hotel industry. Our mission to facilitate the healthy expansion of the “condo hotel” segment through fulfillment of expectations – In Education as “a better than alternative” to vacation ownership, providing unit owners the option to earn back some or all of the cost of ownership. Supporting developer’s efforts toward economically viable business models with sustainable properties. Providing a common voice in an emerging segment for the benefit of its stakeholders. Nurturing “Best Practice” in the segment by honoring those developments who have artfully crafted success through delivery of both lifestyle and stakeholder expectations from development through to the consumer.

You can find out more at