Friday, December 9, 2011

5.000 miles

Oops what a rush we find ourselves in at the moment. But that's no news to anyone of us, the time until Christmas was not expected to be anything less than stressful. We're sailing to sxm tomorrow, back here again on Wednesday and then off again towards St Barts on December 22nd. It's all for a good sake though and the holidays are very close now so we just need to live with this stress for a few more weeks. I doubt there are many other cruisers who've sailed this many miles in such a little time between islands here in the Caribbean before. We'll easily clock up more than 5.000 miles only in between the Windward and the Leeward islands when we're done with this season. Not the most comfortable and enjoyable cruising/sailing lifestyle but when you have things to do you just have to get them done.. we wish to believe that life will go back to slow mode and tranquility somewhere around April 2012 with a ten days break for the holidays in the end of this month. That's how it goes when you wish to change boat in the middle of a circumnavigation, so we have only ourselves to blame this time..